Life after Macy Kate.....

Life after Macy Kate.....
She is here and we couldn't be happier...we are now a family of 3!

She is growing so fast!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Double Your Pleasure-Double Your Fun!

Need I say more? :-)
This is Luke & Levi - my nephews - adorable!!! I can't wait to get Macy Kate in between them next month! I can not even imagine two of Macy Kate - how fun and overwhelming all at the same time! But if anyone can handle twins, it's my sister - she is super-woman in the form of a "regular Mom" :-) These boys love her to death, as to her other 6 kids (don't freak out just yet - only 4 other ones LIVE at their house!) - a house full of love and noise! HA!!!
They have 3 older brothers and 3 older sisters and lots of people to lean on as they grow up! Oh, did I mention in the midst of all this my sister breast feeds them - she truly is super woman! I could not even manage to BF ONE let alone TWO!
My Dad died shortly after these boys (and Macy Kate) were born but he is surely watching all three of them from heaven and getting a big laugh at how cut they all are! And how BALD they all are! HA!! Why can't any of our children be born with hair?!
Soon you will see all 3 babies in a photo together (many photos, I'm sure!) and THAT will be a site to see!!

1 comment:

monica said...

I prayed for twins for the past year! I figured "God knows the desires of my heart, might as well put it all out there". he he he. Then when I got pregnant I thought "oh crap, I didn't think about giving birth to twins!!" Turns out I'm just carrying one, but twins would be so fantastic. We actually had some contact with a birthmom a few months ago who is due in June as well and for a few days I thought it was God answering my prayer for twins in an amazing way. Turns out logistically it would have been so very complicated and she chose another couple. Fun stuff though. The boys are so darn cute!!!!!!!!!!!