Much better this time! Even though she still looked at me like "What is this?!", she did not cry, so that's good! She still seems like she could do without it but maybe with time she will act like she welcomes it. You will notice she does not have a bib on for this because she FREAKS out when you put a bib on her, thinking she is about to get a bottle. So...we have to do without a bib! HA!!
Park City Utah
2 years ago
I loved it when my boys started eating cereal. It's so exciting, but messy!
Let's hope this does not mean that she will be a picky eater. Payton is so picky that sometimes I want to scream. I know I tell you all the time but she is so cute!!!
Hey Wendy, I changed some stuff on my blog. If you get a chance try to comment and see if it works. thanks
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