Life after Macy Kate.....

Life after Macy Kate.....
She is here and we couldn't be happier...we are now a family of 3!

She is growing so fast!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My first "Mommy & MK" Friday

Well, I am only a week late posting this (and don't ask how late I am at posting to MK's site with letters to this point she has missed a few months of her life! Poor girl!) but better late than never.

Last Friday was my first of 3 months of Fridays off, and I absolutely loved it! It was very cold so we stayed in other than to go to the doctor - she had been congested but she ended up being fine.

I loved sleeping in a little and getting her up and just playing with her in her PJ's and loving on her all day long!
It was so nice to not have to take off work and just relax and enjoy the day with her - no matter where we were!

She smiled a lot so I think she liked her day with Mommy too! I plan to make her a little scrapbook of "Fridays with Mommy" later!

Just hangin' out in the laundry basket!

After finishing some laundry last night, we sat MK in the basket and she sat up so good and looked so cute! At first she looked at us like "What the heck?" then she just sat there and played! HA!! She is just so cute...and notice her Notre Dame outfit - Daddy loved it!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I love her TU-TU much!!

I am a total sucker and I ordered a hot pink tu-tu from a website for a little girl I do not even know - BUT.....after reading about her you will have your heart strings pulled at too and you will go home and hug and kiss your baby like I did! She died very suddenly from cancer and a website called Etsy has people who make things by hand and are donating the proceeds to Cora's family for a playground to be built in her name. Plus....every little girl NEEDS a tu-tu (my Mom agrees!) so how could I say no? So here's a few shots of her in her new Cora Paige Tu-Tu! :-)

Double Your Pleasure-Double Your Fun!

Need I say more? :-)
This is Luke & Levi - my nephews - adorable!!! I can't wait to get Macy Kate in between them next month! I can not even imagine two of Macy Kate - how fun and overwhelming all at the same time! But if anyone can handle twins, it's my sister - she is super-woman in the form of a "regular Mom" :-) These boys love her to death, as to her other 6 kids (don't freak out just yet - only 4 other ones LIVE at their house!) - a house full of love and noise! HA!!!
They have 3 older brothers and 3 older sisters and lots of people to lean on as they grow up! Oh, did I mention in the midst of all this my sister breast feeds them - she truly is super woman! I could not even manage to BF ONE let alone TWO!
My Dad died shortly after these boys (and Macy Kate) were born but he is surely watching all three of them from heaven and getting a big laugh at how cut they all are! And how BALD they all are! HA!! Why can't any of our children be born with hair?!
Soon you will see all 3 babies in a photo together (many photos, I'm sure!) and THAT will be a site to see!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Laugh or squeal? Both equally fun!

Every sound you hear in this video is Macy Kate!! :-)

Headband lady

This post is for Kim Moore :-)
Here is the link and if it doesn't work, her ebay name is customcathy and just look for crochet headbands on ebay. GREAT product, fast delivery and as you know, we love them!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

3 years as Mr. & Mrs. Harmon

Well, today is our wedding anniversary - 3 years today. It feels like longer at times :-) In a good way though! We met at the best place ever - church! I love that we met at FBCPS, and married there and are still there with our child...sort of came full circle! I remember seeing him that first Sunday he visited our singles class and thinking "WOW - a cute boy WITH a Bible in hand and matching socks....SHOCK OUT!" :-) We had a very small singles class and I was convinced I would never meet Mr. Right there. I told my sisters he would basically have to come knock on my door because I worked as a nanny and never met any single men and there were "none" at my church, or so I thought! The Good Lord had other plans! :-) It started with just flirting and talking and then we really connected one night at a New Year's Eve party (thanks Tiff!!) and sat and talked for hours. After was just a matter of time! We were certainly in love by Spring and engaged by summer (July 10th to be exact!) and married the following February 18th. So basically he already had me hooked before we went through our first Notre Dame football season together - I couldn't turn back once I saw how obsessed he was! HA!! Actually, I love that he is an Irish fan - it's one of the things I fell in love with about him...his passion for this team. He throws his whole heart into it and I knew if he could do that for a football team he never even played for....SURELY he can throw that sort of passion into our marriage! And sure enough, he has! I love that he makes our coffee every day and he makes sure I don't have to carry too many things to the car and I don't have to fill up my own gas. I love that he loves God and wants to be a Godly husband and father. He takes care of me in so many ways and I think I don't tell him enough about the small things I love. I love how he gives me kisses in the air (too hard to explain!) and how he hugs me all the time and how he tells me he loves me 20 times a day! I hope he has things that I do that make him feel loved too - I want Macy Kate to see those things in us and when she grows up I want her to remember it like this "My Mom and Dad were always so in love with each other - it was sick!" :-) I want to be such a great example of how a Godly husband and wife should be. I still love to hold his hand and I hope that never fades away - I know we have to work on it and we will! I remember planning our wedding and being so into all the details and things and now I look back and it was such a tiny part of our marriage...the wedding. It's just a show, something for others..but the marriage is for us and it has to last forever. The only way to make this happen is to have God in the center and that's something we work at every day. 3 years ago today I was so giddy and excited to become Mrs. Harmon - I remember standing at those stairs, waiting for my Dad to come get me to walk down the, this makes me miss my Dad too!....I remember feeling like I was going to pass out...THIS was it...our life as ONE was about to begin! I will never forget that day or how I felt and how much I THOUGHT I loved him then and how it pales in comparison to how much more I love him every day since! Little did I know how much MORE I would fall in love with him when I saw him with our daughter! His love for her and hers for him makes my heart melt!! I know that love will grow in years too and I smile just at the thought of being "old" and in love still! How fun! So here's a few pics from the years, in no certain order (can you tell I like to change my hair a lot?! Thinking of going back to a blonde - what do you think?) - enjoy Mr. & Mrs. Harmon! Happy Anniversary honey - I love you!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Such a happy girl when she wakes up

Macy Kate is such a smiley girl when you go to get her from a nap! She loves to see us staring at her over the crib - she gets a big kick out of it! She was fussing on Monday and I went to get her and immediately she began to smile - what a happy child!

Daddy is a SUCKER.....

On Friday Doug was going to stop by Wal-Mart for something and I said "Grab Macy Kate a Valentine's balloon" - I felt guilty because it was her first Valentine's Day and we had not bought her anything. Well, if any of you know my husband, you know he is....well, let me say it nicely....FRUGAL! So, he said "Uh....yeah", as in "I don't really want to buy that" but I told him "Come on, she will love a balloon and she deserves one" - so I figured he would come home with some lame 79cent pink balloon. He did not....He came home with a HUGE $5 balloon! It was so cute! He said "It says what I call her.....Love could I resist?" - he is such a sucker for her and I love it!

Me & My Cuz!

Macy Kate's cousin, Logan, is almost exactly one year older than her. He loves to squeeze her and love on her and then quickly push her away when he is "done" with her! It's pretty funny! Right after I snapped this photo, he gave her a big shove off his lap!
This weekend we told him to kiss her and he leaned in for the big one - kids are can't kiss like that!!

Just a fun day at home!

How could you NOT smile when watching this!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Rice Cereal....Take Two

Much better this time! Even though she still looked at me like "What is this?!", she did not cry, so that's good! She still seems like she could do without it but maybe with time she will act like she welcomes it. You will notice she does not have a bib on for this because she FREAKS out when you put a bib on her, thinking she is about to get a bottle. So...we have to do without a bib! HA!!

MK had a play date with Ella!

Macy Kate's Very 1st Valentine!

She received her 1st Valentine in the mail from Grammy - She was quite into it! :-) I can't wait for the day when she picks out what kind of Valentines she wants us to buy and asks us to help her fill them out - I remember the days of decorating a bag to hang on the chalkboard tray and hoping to get lots of Valentines in it! I know Macy Kate will get a ton!
She is really starting to reach for things and if you are holding something, she wants to hold it too!