Life after Macy Kate.....

Life after Macy Kate.....
She is here and we couldn't be happier...we are now a family of 3!

She is growing so fast!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pretty In Purple

A week or so ago we drove out to Buckhead for a drama performance of Allie's and the church it was at had these pretty flowers and this little bench and we had time to kill and a camera in what do you think I did? :-)

She looks so pretty in purple (thank you Laura...for the outfit - it's one of our favorite's!) and as always, she's a HAM for the camera!

The last few pics are of her and Allie & Maddy on stage after the performance - this child belongs on stage! HA!!! She is a total performer already!

1 comment:

Laura Ripley said...

Yeah!! I love to see her in that outfit. She looks so precious!! It makes me so happy to see her in Payton's clothes. Maybe you can pass it on to someone you love.