Life after Macy Kate.....

Life after Macy Kate.....
She is here and we couldn't be happier...we are now a family of 3!

She is growing so fast!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Half of a year....what a gift from God!

My baby is 6 months old today - shocker!! I find myself sitting at work, typing this blog (yes, I know I should be working and I am, sort of) and also reading other blogs of people who mark today with six months or a year from the death of their baby and I find myself SO thankful for these last 6 months with Macy Kate - and every day that God chooses to have her in our lives. I don't know what I would do if we ever lost her but like these other people, we would lean on God and make it but we would never be the same. Isn't it breath taking how something so small can impact your life in such a HUGE way. I was a nanny for 3 years and I thought I knew what it meant to love a child - I would have done anything for Allie and Maddy and yet I still did not know the love I would have for my own child. It is something that oozes (is that a word?) out of me, and in turn, causes a wonderful ripple effect in every area of our life. I see Doug with her and I love him SO much more because of his love for her...I see what joy she brings to our family life and it brings me closer to my mother/father-in-law and makes me schedule time with them, for her....I hear the pure joy in my Mom's voice when she tells me she received a video or picture of MK and it made her day, and in turn I miss and love my Mom so much and am SO happy I can bring this joy into her life...I am brought closer to my sisters & sister-in-law & girl friends because I finally share this motherhood thing with them and it enriches my life to have them in it and us share this makes me thank God every day for her and for her health and brings me closer to our Creator and forces me to see a little bit of Him in everything, whereas before we were so focused on us....EVERY area of our life is made better by her presence and just think....she's only been here 6 months! :-)
In the last 6 months I have grown as a mom and a wife and a woman....I have a litte more patience (still working on this one! HA!), a LOT more love and a ton more to be thankful for. She has given me a new identity....I am a's something I longed for growing up and I still look in the mirror when I have her in my arms and I can't believe she is mine...I am her Mommy...that will never change.
6 months ago today I was so out of it....I was begging for an epidural and asking "How much am I dilated now" and trying not to throw up - but still ended up throwing up! HA! I had my family & Doug's family in and out of the room supporting me....and my precious Dad offering to do whatever he could - UGH....I don't want to cry today over Dad but here I go:-) I will never forget that day - the memory of that whole time around her birth is wrapped around my Mom & Dad and them being here and the wonderful time I thank God we had together before his sudden death, because of Macy Kate. Also, because of her and the love I have for her Daddy, I had several people in the delivery room and that was not something I was sure about at the time but looking back on it I really did treasure that - it was perfect...everyone was wonderful to me and it is a memory that makes her coming into this world even better! God knew this little life that was about to be born would bring all of us together on that day - how awesome He is! Hard to believe that was only 6 months ago - feels like years on some days, but feel like just yesterday at times too. Little did I know, while they were "finishing me up", my Dad was downstairs giving everyone in the waiting room at Cobb Hospital a show of me giving birth - HA!! Intimate moment but he was so proud and excited, he just could not help himself! I miss that Dad - so proud, so technilogically advanced! HA!!!
In the last 6 months Macy Kate has changed so much! Amazing how much life can be in such a tiny body! She is so funny and SO happy - that is the #1 thing people say to us..."She is the happiest baby!" She smiles so much and just loves life and it loves her! She is sitting up so good and trying her best to crawl and I think once she gets on the move, we will be in for a new world because she will be a very active girl! Things she loves - She loves for us to sing to her, she LOVES to feel her Daddy's face, she loves when we go in together to get her out of bed, she loves to be outside, she loves to be rocked, she loves to sleep, she loves to eat, she loves her paci, she loves to watch people! She is just so much joy and fun and love all rolled into one adorable child!
We go for her 6 month check up next week and I can't wait to see what she weighs - my guess is 16 pounds. She is in 6-9 month clothes and seems long for her age. I have GOT to start scrapbooking her life - I don't want to just be getting started and she a year old! Every one of you know I take about 15 pictures of her a day so I have a ton to scrap! :-)
Here are a few pics from last weekend, along with a video of us going in to get her this morning - I will take some pics tonight to mark her 6 month birthday and post those later.
Thank you God for these 6 months and for all the days to come - you have them numbered, you know how they will go and I thank you in advance for every moment!!
Happy 6 month birthday Macy Kate!


monica said...

So sweet, love the video. I often think that about Layla, Tanner and Trey. I love them so much how in the world will I love my own more? Hearing about your delivery special day and you survived gives me hope. (I'm so terrified, but he's gotta get here somehow right?) Sweet, sweet story and 6 months wow!!

aimee said...

I love the blog. So sweet. You are such a good mom and I love all the videos and pictures. I believe that God gives them to you so sweet and cute so when they get older you are already attracted and you love them so much you couldn't stand to give them away (even if you want to some days). -I hope you know I am kidding.- Happy half Birthday Macy Kate!!!!!

Unknown said...

Happy 6 months Macy Kate! I love the sweet pictures. She is adorable!

KA said...

Hey I didn't know you threw up too. Join the club..miserable huh? Great posting though and I totally feel you on the scrapbooking. I so need to update AG's baby book and buy one for sophie...just something to write down.

Laura Ripley said...

What a great post! I truly believe that every child deserves a mother and fathers love like this. You guys are great parents! God has blessed you guys so much. She is so sweet and precious. It will be great to watch her grow and walk on this parenting journey with you and Doug. Keep up the great work and may God bless that wonderful girl everyday of her life.