Life after Macy Kate.....

Life after Macy Kate.....
She is here and we couldn't be happier...we are now a family of 3!

She is growing so fast!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Her first "studio" shot

There's a place by my work that does custom clothes and embroidery for kids and I only get to buy stuff there when it's on sale :-) The last time I was there they said a photographer was coming in to do some shots for fun and we could get a free 5x7 if we came in (the idea was to get you to buy clothes while there! Which worked because I had alreay bought the polka dot outfit but purchased the turquoise/brown dress while I was there that day!)
Well, I told Alisha about it so she could bring Logan too and we tried really hard to get a shot of the 2 of them together but we had no success until I had already taken her out of her special clothes and put her in her casual clothes but I was happy we got at least one!

I really like the shot of her in the pink & brown but the other one just does not capture her. It was good to get a few shots of her but honestly, I think I could have done better :-) But oh well, she is 6 months old and needed a "pro" shot or two so here they are :-)


monica said...

ahhhhh, soooooo sweet.... see having a boy will save me money b/c girls clothes with accessories are just too awesome.... boys are cute too, just not such a selection. don't know which i like better the blue or dots.....

aimee said...

These are ADORABLE!!!! I love them.

Laura Ripley said...

Love it!!!

cathy said...

Love the pink and brown outfit, she would look great in reese's room (it is pink and brown). She is a cutie pie...still loving her eyes, and all the hairbows!

Elso said...

So sweet and I love both outfits!