I took these on Tuesday evening for a friend at work and her fiance - it's their engagement photos. This is just a SMALL sampling of the photos - I took 315 and about 120 were GREAT! I was so proud of myself!! They love them too, and that's what matter!
Well, it's that time of the year again - and as Monica put it best on her blog, it's THE BEST time of the year! LOVED your blog on it Monica! This year is different for many reasons. I am a Mommy now - at the beginning of last fall I could not truly say that. I feel this year, more than ever, the excitement of fall - the excitement of yelling "GO IRISH!" and having Macy Kate grunt with me in excitement over college football - the excitement of dressing her up for Halloween and just enjoying this phase of her walking and just being a part of our life - excitement of planning her 1st birthday party - excitement of the holidays with her being old enough to rip into gifts and just be a part of the festivities. All of this being the first of this, makes you look back on last year when she was here, but not really old enough to do anything - that leads to thoughts of post child-birth and the PPD I went through and then the thoughts go to Dad dying suddenly at her 5 wk mark and ALL that followed that....so the feeling of Fall goes from super excited, to remembering that day, almost 1 year ago, when my life was forever changed with the news of Dad dying. I am trying so hard not to think like that but it's hard - Dad will not see her turn one, he will not see her in her adorable Halloween costume, he will not PHYSICALLY see any of that but I know he is looking down from heaven but it's just so strange how life just goes on..... If any of you have lost anyone close to you, VERY suddenly, then you know what I mean - you still can go back to that very moment when you were given the news and you can get lost in those feelings - I am so glad Fall is here, don't get me wrong, but the cooler the air gets the more I think of THAT day. But, because we worhsip an AMAZING God, I KNOW I will see Dad again one day and I must rest in that fact. Sorry, I did not mean to get off on this tangent, it's just all goes together in one basket (Fall, MK's birth, Dad's death, etc.) - I hope one day to have it all separate in my head, but for now, it's together and I am trying hard to get past it. Just some random thoughts for you today :-)
Yes, I feel very strange blogging - it's been too long. Honestly, I did it most at work on lunch or something - it was a great release every day to blog and then they took our ability away and now I am left to taking time away from my family to blog - not really something I am fond of doing but I am going to attempt to do it more.
I am going to throw photos in here along the way today.
Macy Kate got her first boo-boo this weekend - she and Daddy and cousin Drake were playing chase and she ran right into our bed rail and actually took a small piece out of the wood with her tooth! It bled and bled and was discolored for two days but seems to be healing now. It was scary though!
This last week we had a get together with Doug' Aunt, Uncle and cousins. They are from Aiken, SC but two of them live far away with their baby and they are missionaries - they are amazing people to do this! I am way to anal and schedule oriented to go all over but that's why God has not called me to that field :-) Here's a shot of the cousins and their spouses and kids - poor Sandy had to be alone since Kenny could not make it. And there is another picture here of the kids on the swing - it took A LOT to get this photo!!
Let's see, what else has been going on. We went and reserved the place at the park for MK's 1st birthday party - it will be lady bug themed, I can't wait! Here's a photo of the covered pavilion. We will have pizza and just hang out and enjoy the memories of her being born. I can not believe she will be one soon!! I have lots of great things in mind for her party - probably all overboard but whatever...it's her very first birthday....it's a big deal :-)
Going to put a few more photos on here - some from this weekend of her standing alone for the first time. Hard to believe she will be walking in no time!
What else has been going on? Hmm...well, not a ton. We have had my nephew from Houston here for a few weeks, he has mainly been at my sister's but we have enjoyed him some. We had Allie over for a weekend recently - will post some of those photos at the end. We have mainly just been enjoying our family time and hanging out - nothing huge to report :-) I promise to get on here again REALLY soon!! I miss you all! I do everyone's every day - work will let me read them, just not comment on them or post on mine - it stinks! I need to find a new blog way! HA!! Please check my facebook, I have lots of photos on there and will email our videos from time to time too. I'll try posting a small one on here - just takes so long to upload.
OH yes they call her the streak............she likes to show off her physique..... That's Macy Kate! She has the world's fastest flip when you are trying to change her diaper! She got away from Daddy here but she has gotten away from everyone - she is FAST and STRONG!
She will act like she is just going to stretch and then before you know it she is on the other side of the room and you are holding an empty diaper going "Wait a minute!" :-)
Well, I have not blogged in a while and my new idea is to blog AT LEAST once a week - maybe like the paper with coupons, you all can know when to check in once a week to get the good stuff :-)
Macy Kate is 8 months old today - amazing! In 4 short months we will celebrate her 1 year birthday, and some days is has flown by so fast and other days we sit around and say "WHAT did we do before her?!" :-)
She has 2 teeth now and is working on more and she is ALL over the place! She is like a tornado...a ball of activity in a room - she NEVER stops moving! I guess I am glad because most of the time she sleeps like a rock and this is probably why, but it makes for a very tiring day sometimes - but we would not trade it for anything! She is "talking" more and more and making her presence know for sure! She stops people everywhere we go with her killer smiler...she can really get the attention!
She only likes to be held for small amounts of time and then she wants down to go, go, go! She is starting to learn to give kisses and she will spit her paci out if you tell her to - it's funny!!
I am not off on every Friday anymore but I am taking random days off here and there and we are spending great time together! She is really one of the smiliest babies I have ever known!
We are going to Houston at the end of this month and I can't wait to see her and the twins together now that they are bigger and more active - hopefully she won't walk all over them! HA!
I'll update some more photos this week, I promise!!!
Let the coupon clipping begin!! We have begun our "stockpile" and for two weeks in a row we have saved almost $40 on groceries - not bad for a start! We are building up things in the pantry and we are building up our coupons too - I made my coupon book last week. I think we will get the hang of it soon and see HUGE savings! It has totally changed the way we think about buying things! It's addicting!
(photos are not in order - no time for that! HA! ) Cousin Logan came by last week and we took them down to our little park in their wagon and they looked so cute!! We played at the park some and then came back and put them both in the tub for some fun pics! Getting them to both look at the same time AND smile is impossible but we did our best! :-) Enjoy the pics!
I am a Christian woman trying to get settled into life as a Mommy and Wife :-) I have been married to my wonderful husband for almost 8 years and we have a beautiful little boy and girl. God is SO good! I keep this blog just to update my friends and get things off my chest :-)