Life after Macy Kate.....

Life after Macy Kate.....
She is here and we couldn't be happier...we are now a family of 3!

She is growing so fast!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 6, 2008

Due date is here...but where is Macy Kate

She's snug in my tummy still! :-)
Apparently she will be stubborn, like her Mommy, and may just be forced out of her old home soon. We will go in Tuesday night at 7pm to start induction if she doesn't change her mind before then and come on.
The thought of going in and everything being controlled tomorrow night is a nice thought but then again having some fun going into labor story would be fun too - I'm torn! Come tomorrow night at 7 I will have no choice :-)
Doug and I are both so excited and just can not believe it will be within days, no matter what. FINALLY! Nana Pat is here and everyone one and everything is in place....we just want to meet her!
I had a few contractions at church yesterday and through the day but nothing consistent, so who knows.
Any last minute advice we need????


aimee said...

I am so excited. I can't wait to meet her. I will be thinking of you. Please try and enjoy every second of it. It truly is so wonderful! Good Luck. I hope it is a quick and easy delivery.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog title and your message and thought about God's chosen path for babies. I can't help but wonder why you are choosing to induce rather than wait for your daughter to come and I will be thinking of you and praying for you in the coming day. There is a huge societal push to force our babies to our timelines and not God's, including from our care providers. I pray you and your baby will be protected from the risks involved and that God will watch over you.