Life after Macy Kate.....

Life after Macy Kate.....
She is here and we couldn't be happier...we are now a family of 3!

She is growing so fast!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How can she be 3 months old already?

My baby is 3 months old today - how can that be? I had some post-partum depression, then my Dad died, then all the holidays rushed past us and here I am, back at work and missing her terribly and she is already 3 months old. Does not seem possible!
Leaving her today was the hardest so far - I just feel like I don't have a baby during the week, it really stinks! I am so thankful that she is with family but I just wish it were different and I could stay home. She smiles so much when we wake her up at 6am but basically I just change her diaper and put her in the car seat. The best part of her day is spent with someone is this fair? I think every Mommy should get to stay home - can't the government make this happen? HA!!
Please pray for me - I am having a really hard time being away from her every day! Look at this face....could YOU leave her? :-)


aimee said...

I know how you feel. I only work half a day, but it takes me forever to say good-bye to them. I HATE leaving in the morning. I actually got to take Layla to her Mommy and Me dance class on Monday (first time since August). I cried when it was over because I feel like I am missing out on so much. I know it is hard, but the older she gets it will get easier. I will be praying for you though. If you ever want to talk you know I am here for you!

cathy said...

I cant't beleive she is 3 months old. Time flys!! She is so beautiful. I love her big eyes!! I am sorry you have to work. I remember those days, no fun. You are in my prayers!

Laura Ripley said...

Hey Windy, Oh she is so sweet! Well at least we know all things are possible right. I'll be praying for you.