My baby is 3 months old today - how can that be? I had some post-partum depression, then my Dad died, then all the holidays rushed past us and here I am, back at work and missing her terribly and she is already 3 months old. Does not seem possible!
Leaving her today was the hardest so far - I just feel like I don't have a baby during the week, it really stinks! I am so thankful that she is with family but I just wish it were different and I could stay home. She smiles so much when we wake her up at 6am but basically I just change her diaper and put her in the car seat. The best part of her day is spent with someone is this fair? I think every Mommy should get to stay home - can't the government make this happen? HA!!
Please pray for me - I am having a really hard time being away from her every day! Look at this face....could YOU leave her? :-)